Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Should schools allow at home devices in the classroom?

As the recession continues, many schools are tightening up budgets and putting technology projects on hold. Typically workstations/laptops are refreshed every 4 or 5 years, but now they are being extended to 6 or 7 years. But why can't schools save $$ on hardware and allow students to bring in their own devices?

The debate is heating up and schools across the country are reviewing whether this is a reality or just wishful thinking. The time has come for schools to look at allowing students to bring in their own laptops or cell home devices.

Don't worry about protecting the students from bad sites. Schools have more control then ever over filtering policies and what students can do. Schools can set up wireless access specifically for outside devices that filter students from specific sites. Another thought...why not turn off Internet during certain times so these devices can only be used for specific applications and/or Office suites?

I believe there will be a time when most schools will allow students to bring in any device they wish...of course with approval. In the long run, this will save $$ on hardware and allow schools to use the $$ in other places. I understand not all students can afford their own devices and schools should accomadate those that can't.

I want to know what you think. Can you see a time where schools open the door for students to bring in any device?


  1. This is a tough one as bringing in outside laptops could affect the way students pay attention while in the classroom. At this time, I think it is important to leave it up to the schools to provide the tools needed in the classroom. It prevents students from having a one-up on each other.

  2. I think schools should only if schools are able to control what the students do on them.
