Like it or not, the use of cell phones are only growing more popular. I didn't purchase my first cell phone until I got to college in 1998. The phone was a size of a walkie talkie and the screen was a tint greenish yellow color (picture dying grass as Winter nears). A lot has changed since then and I'm seeing more and more children of every age with their own cell phone.
So here we are today, a cell phone store on every corner and a cell phone tower practically on every building. As children spend more and more time on their cell phones, schools are faced to how to deal with this technology.
I came across an interesting article that highlights a Texas 5th grade classroom and how they are using cell phones to the teacher's advantage. I would encourage you to read the article and let me know your thoughts: "Mobile Technology Goes to School"
Should schools embrace this technology and use it as an affective instructional tool? Or should schools restrict cell phones and keep them at home? I want to hear from you!