Friday, January 29, 2010

iPads - The evolution in digital textbooks??

Like most, I was counting down the days for Apple's next BIG announcement. And when it finally came, the "wonderful" iPad was thrust into the scene. Ok...I'm being a little facetious, but I am intrigued of the effect this will have in schools.

I know across the country, many schools are slowly moving away from the traditional textbook and moving to a eReader device. I've posted this in past blogs, but I think more than ever, this technology and the question about textbooks, are going to be looked at.

I agree with Apple's statement about for twice the $$ as a Kindle, you can have a iPad that can do so much more than just reading a book. I think iPads can become a very powerful instructional tool and like the iPhone before it, Apple will continue to evolve this technology as demand grows.

What's your thoughts on the iPad in schools?